

Benefits Of Security And Scrutiny

The primary objective of public surveillance, security and scrutiny is targeted mostly at preventing and hindering bad situations to arise. This in fact is a highly researched subject. According to a report by Urban Institute in 2011, the basic principles on which surveillance is designed are:

  1. If the Potential lawbreakers know they are being watched they recognize a greater risk of being caught.
  2. Law-abiding citizens feel much more secure when they know there is a surveillance system on guard at all times.
  3. Surveillance systems enhance the efficacy of the judiciary system that they are made a part of.
  4. Recorded footage documenting criminal activity is of help to the law makers in investigation and therefore is helpful to the victims in obtaining justice.

The advantages of security and surveillance to the law enforcement is not some un-comprehend-able phenomenon. We will in this article discuss another version of this story which has been adapted by many commercial enterprises to serve their interests. It is possible through security and scrutiny technology to watch your business live or recorded happening in front of you, there is a wide array of business trends that enterprises can predict when this happens. For example; Market Behavior can be monitored first hand right at the place where buyers meet vendors. Business owners can extend their market perspective with a handful of well-placed gadgets. A phone dealer for example can examine which models are getting most customer attention and therefore enhance his business strategy through this. Environmental Monitoring is helpful especially to construction workers with surveillance at construction sites. The workers can monitor the weather at construction site in countries in the extreme weather zone and in case of heavy snow or rain etc. the workers can save both time and company capital by not showing up in such conditions when work cannot be done in any case Safety Monitoring is possible especially in factories where employees work with highly dangerous materials. This makes the safety manager’s job easier. Who is responsible for making sure the employees all adhere to safety requirements and SOP s. Safety managers at work-sites have to monitor very large spaces of potentially dangerous work this means there are as many safety managers required as the workers, this problem can be overcome with security camera providing a 360 degree view of work-sites. Through this safety managers can monitor the work from a remote site and be in contact with workers via radio or cell phone etc. Productivity Monitoring is another example of the benefits of surveillance and security after monitoring the productivity of employees the employers can gain better insights about how to improve their work. Hence we can safely conclude that security and scrutiny technology has revolutionized our world not just from safety point of view but also for business enterprises of almost all types’ sizes and objectives.